Monday, April 9, 2012

Slice of humble pie anyone???

So...I knew the the road to Dissertation 2013 was going to be rocky and that my proposal and final document would take several iterations with lots of comments, criticisms and suggetsions from my committee.  But, it has been an even more humbling process that I expected.  I guess I didn't think that my writing - grammar and syntax - would be called into question.  While I know I'm not exactly the smartest person in my class and I work really hard just to get by, I didn't think I was a horrible writer either.  But today...I received the feedback from yet another draft of my proposal to my chair who expressed exreme dissapointment in my proposal - construction, writing, etc.   Again, I'm pretty real with myself...I knew this draft was far from perfect, but I really thought I took the committee's comments to consideration and submitted a much better product this time around.  Boy, was I wrong...from the tone of my chair's email, it sounds like she's frustrated with me and has requested a meeting with the Program Director...again, I know I'm not the smartest kid in the class but who knew I'd be this bad...I've never felt so dejected and even considered dropping out...yes, that would make me another statistic, but now I know why!  I really thougth I did a good job - not perfect, I know, but I had hoped that I was at least on the right track to Dissertation I'm not so sure!


  1. Issa:

    Hang in there. We will all probably be going through this experience soon. You can do this!

    Good thoughts are with you!


  2. Issa - hang in there. I am sure you're not the first who wanted to quit, but they managed and so will you. You've gotten so far, and I am sure things will get better.

    Keeping good thoughts for you!
